During holiday season we can find ourselves overwhelmed with too many obligations, emails, festive events, shopping sales or more. We're all about balancing well-being at True Woo and we do that by sharing top trending products and truly gifted practitioners with you -- so you can keep your cool through all of life's stressful or challenging moments.
Meet Tara Hegerty
Let's get to know True Woo practitioner Tara, learn her "3 Lightworker Secrets to Improve Health and Prevent Stress (without breaking the bank)" and see what she recommends this season for holiday gifting to support well-being.
Get creative, describe your services and what you do in your work without using your title
I help coaches, creatives and conscious leaders get clarity on their mission and remove what’s blocking them on a physical, energetic, and soul level, so they can align and scale their business using the power of frequency and a soul designed strategy.

What is your superpower?
I can tap into energetic fields to identify and remove blockages that may be holding you back from the business and the life you were destined to create.

Describe the moment in your life when you realised that what you are doing today is your true calling / gift?
During my healing journey after my miscarriage, I started asking lots of questions about where I needed to be in life, why I got Asherman’s syndrome, and whether I was supposed to have a family. As I started to release past pain and trauma on a physical, spiritual, and energetic level, I defied doctors and fell pregnant naturally. When I became a mother, I experienced a womb awakening that opened a portal to my intuitive gifts, and they came online in a powerful way. The development of these gifts has allowed me to offer multi-dimensional wisdom to others so that I can assist them in making the shifts needed to align with their highest path because we need people walking in their purpose to shift the consciousness of the planet.

"My children are my greatest teachers. Their unique make up and way of being in the world has helped me evolve and grow."
What impact do you hope your work has on the world?
By clearing energetic blockages and shifting people on a micro level, we’re able to create change on a macro one. This will allow us to create a more self-sustaining system that’s honouring to the people, animals, and energies on the planet. Nothing is more fulfilling than watching people generate a deeper connection with their higher self and take bold actions toward their dreams.

Tara's 3 Secrets to Improve Health & Prevent Stress
Science has proven that the universe, and everything in it, is made up of energy. This includes you. And how you use your energy affects your mindset, emotions and physical body. Energy is always moving, shifting and transforming based on the intentions you have, the beliefs that drive your actions, the environment you find yourself in, and what you choose to focus on.
Learning how to direct your own energy enables you to have more control over your mental and emotional states, which will influence the actions you take and that may also determine the state of your health.
So, how do you use your energy in a positive way that enables you to help others AND not let it affect your health?
Use Earth’s Energy To Anchor You
Mother Earth is alive. She is a living, breathing organism that is constantly evolving, just like us humans. One of the best ways to create a sense of calm is to ground your energy using the Earth element. Earth’s qualities are that of structure, foundation, consistency, and stability. By learning to direct your own energy to connect with the Earth element, it helps you to anchor into the qualities and characteristics of that element within you.
A short visualisation of anchoring yourself into the centre of the Earth can help this. Simply direct your energy down out through your feet and directly into the Earth. Ask that any imbalances be recycled and the qualities of safety and security be returned to your body.
Grounding your energy is one of the quickest, simplest and most effective ways to bring yourself back into a calm and balanced state. The best part is that you can do it anywhere, anytime and the more often you do it the better you’ll become at taking back control of your mental and emotional states in any given moment. Plus it only takes a few minutes of your time.
To turbocharge this, look at grounding on sacred sites or earth energy lines also known as ley lines, song lines. If you are local on the Sunshine Coast you’re invited to join our Sacred Network group.
Call In Guidance for Support
You have a team of spiritual guides especially for you. They’re available to help should you choose to engage with them. Spirit guides come in many forms. From ascended masters to teachers, from animals to loved ones but generally speaking a spirit guide is a nonphysical being assigned to help your soul attain its greatest potential here on Earth. A spirit guide has mastered life’s lessons and can be called upon for guidance, further insights or help with a particular situation.
The way spirit guides help can be really subtle, yet so profound and impactful. But the trick here is to invite them in. Meaning if you have a closed door all the time, and only open it when you need, it doesn’t give the opportunity to form a trusting relationship does it?
Maintain a high Frequency
One simple answer to help raise your vibration and maintain a high frequency, is notice the way you respond to your environment. And if it isn’t in alignment, change it. For instance let’s take the news, social media, and interactions with other people. How do they make you feel? Do you notice any transference of energy?
Generally, when the evening news is hyped up around something, you may feel hyped up mentally and emotionally. When social media breeds anger and separation, you may respond with your own heightened emotions of anger. And so on.
You have a choice in how your personal energy is managed. You can allow others to absorb it, manipulate it and use it which means that you are giving away your personal power. Or you can protect it, nurture it and care for it meaning that you are in complete control. So start small. Move your body. Eat nutritious snacks. Drink filtered water etc. And this can feel exhilarating. And yet, it requires a certain stamina, focus, and discipline to sustain the energy that’s driving you to re-engage in this new way.
"Learning to master working with the energy with these three free and natural ways enables you to have greater levels of awareness and control of yourself and how you navigate life’s ups and downs."
Book Sessions with Tara
Still feeling stuck or want to better manage stress?
Tara offers where we connect with your spirit guides and higher self to identify, transform, and clear subconscious patterns and energetic blocks.
These sessions create alignment on an energetic level so that the love, money, and abundance you want in your life can flow freely to you with ease.