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Women looking into the galaxy

Navigating The Retrograde - September 2023

Welcome back to your new favourite monthly wellness forecast, with Alison Lasek, your astrologer and guide. This month is ALL about retrogrades. 


Let’s be honest, it’s hard to do anything right now, isn’t it? As September kicks off, we have a grand total of seven planets in retrograde! Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron all appear to be moving backwards from our vantage point on planet Earth, putting the brakes on things. 


It's like the universe is giving us a gentle nudge to pause and reflect on our relationships, communication, self-worth and what we truly want for the future. There’s no point racing down a path if it’s not the most aligned one. These retrogrades are our opportunity to re-evaluate and adjust where necessary to pave the way for new growth. 


On September 4th, Venus stations direct, releasing just a little of that retrograde tension. Take a moment to reflect on the past 40 days and what you’ve learned. What patterns have you become aware of in your relationships? How can you ensure you’re honouring your needs as you move forward? Can you find moments to connect with inspiration and invite more joy into your daily life? Spend some time appreciating how far you’ve come; then get ready to move ahead with more confidence and a deeper sense of self-love.


One out, one in. Just as Venus comes out of retrograde, Jupiter is right there to take its place, stationing retrograde in Taurus on September 5th. Don’t worry, Jupiter retrograde isn’t as challenging as it sounds. It’s simply an opportunity to slow down, look within and enjoy being in the present moment. Jupiter invites us to reassess what’s important. What we truly aspire to create in our lives if we take comparison and ego out of the equation. It gives us the fuel to dream large and look at the bigger picture. What’s not to love? 


Then on September 16th, Mercury stations direct. Any fogginess will start to lift, making decision-making and communication much smoother. If you can put off signing contracts or any major life admin until after that date, it’ll all be much easier. 


As the Sun shifts from Virgo to Libra on September 23rd, we step into a more balanced and harmonious energy. Libra season encourages us to seek beauty, harmony, and collaboration in our lives. It’s a reminder to find a nice balance between time for yourself and with loved ones. Why not plan some self-care appointments alongside all the social activities that will undoubtedly pop into your calendar over the next month? 


My biggest piece of advice for Libra season: make tending to yourself your priority and allow the rest to unfold naturally. 

Alison Lasek - Astrologer

Alison has found astrology to be a powerful tool in illuminating her potential and opportunities for growth. With a proactive approach, she now harnesses the energies of the planets and loves sharing this ancient wisdom with curious humans. Do you seek further guidance in exploring the mysteries of the cosmos? 

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