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image of sage and palo santo on white sheet

How To Create a Cleansing Ritual

Cleansing your space is like hitting the reset button for your spirit—a chance to let go of what no longer serves you and make room for fresh, revitalising energy. We often accumulate negative energy that can weigh us down. We may feel this within our physical body but it also permeates our living spaces, subtly influencing our thoughts and emotions. Just as dust settles on surfaces over time, so does negative energy cling to the corners and crevices of our homes. 

The signs that it's time to clear the space with a cleansing ritual may manifest as a sense of stagnation or stress, lingering feelings of anger, resentment, or sadness, disruptions in sleep, physical discomfort, or simply a general feeling of unease in the atmosphere.

There are many ways you can create a cleansing ritual and the process can be tailored to your preferences, whether you prefer simplicity or a more elaborate approach. As you become familiar with the practice, make it uniquely yours. Let's walk through a quick yet effective ritual that gets the job done.


What you'll need:

A small bundle of dried white sage or palo santo.

A lighter or matches.

A small bowl of salt.

A journal or notebook and a pen.


1 . Preparation:

Find a peaceful and quiet space where you won't be disturbed.

Place the small bowl of salt nearby.

2. Set Your Intentions

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself.

Close your eyes and set your intentions for this cleansing. Think about what you want to release and what positive energy you want to invite into your life. Visualise your intentions.

3 . Get Started

Light the bundle of white sage or palo santo with the lighter or matches until it starts smouldering. Blow out any flames so that it produces smoke.

Hold the smoking bundle in one hand and start at your feet, moving the smoke up your body towards the crown of your head. Imagine the smoke purifying and cleansing your energy as it moves.

As you do this, recite your intentions or affirmations. For example, "I release all negativity and welcome positivity into my life."

Continue until you've smudged your entire body.

4 . Cleansing Your Space

Use the smoking bundle to cleanse the space around you. Wave it around the room, paying special attention to corners and areas where negative energy may linger.

Visualise the smoke clearing away any stagnant or negative energy, leaving behind a space filled with positivity and light.

After using the sage to cleanse gently snuff it out. This is done by pressing the smouldering end against a fireproof surface, such as a ceramic or glass dish.

Safety First

Ensure that the sage is completely extinguished before leaving it unattended. The smouldering end can remain hot for a while, so use caution.




After the cleansing, sit quietly for a few moments. Feel the lighter, more peaceful energy around you.

Sprinkle a pinch of salt into your palm and hold it for a moment. Imagine any remaining negative energy being absorbed by the salt.

Then, toss the salt outside or flush it down the toilet to symbolize its removal from your life.


Open your journal or notebook and write down your reflections on the cleansing experience. Record any insights or emotions that arose during the ritual.

Write down your intentions and affirmations for the season ahead.

Let in the Light

Open your windows wide and invite the fresh air to circulate through your living spaces. As natural light fills your home, it symbolises the illumination of your intentions and the clarity you're bringing into your life.

Palo Santo

You may also choose to combine sage and Palo Santo in your cleansing ritual. Start with sage for a deep cleanse and recalibration of energy, then follow up with Palo Santo to bring in positive and grounding energies. The combination can create a harmonious and balanced atmosphere.

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