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Your Wellness Journey According to The Stars, August 2023

Your Wellness Journey According to The Stars, August 2023

Astrology lovers! I’m Alison Lasek, the newest member of the True Woo team and I’m excited to bring you a forecast with a difference. Forget predictions like a rise in Bitcoin prices or an ex bursting back onto the scene. This monthly column will illuminate some of the most powerful celestial events and empower you to work proactively with them on your wellness journey.

Whether you ‘believe’ in the accuracy of astrology or not is beside the point. This is an opportunity for self-reflection. To connect to something beyond the mundane. And to invite a little mystery and awe into daily life. Who doesn’t want a piece of that?


The astrology of late July was haywire, bonkers… bananas even. Lots of planetary shifts asking us to level up in all the possible ways. If you’re heading into August feeling a little ungrounded you’ve come to the right place.

Let’s kick things off by talking about the North Node; the destiny point in our charts. We all came to this earth for a reason, and our soul’s purpose is charted by the North Node. The North Node has recently shifted into Aries, where it will be for the next 1.5 years, pushing us to expand beyond the limits of our relationships, courageously pursue our individual paths and bring our most ambitious ideas to life.

On 4 August, Pluto will connect with the North Node, stirring up our emotions, asking us to delve into the shadows and confront the subconscious beliefs holding us back. Pluto is known as the great destroyer for a reason. This could be a little painful, but the energy is full of positive transformative potential.

Working proactively with Pluto means learning to release unnecessary control. Can you allow the universe to guide you right now? If ever there was a time to loosen your grip, pay attention to the signs and trust the journey, this is it. Stay grounded with plenty of greens, root vegetables and time in nature as you shed what no longer serves you.

After letting go of the old, the Leo New Moon on 16 August brings beautiful fresh start energy. It’s a chance to come home to your authentic self and set intentions to embrace your self-expression, confidence, and creativity. Whether that means picking up a pair of drumsticks, getting into the garden or taking a leap of faith to turn your passion into a business, this is the time to dream big and small about what an abundant life looks like to you.

You can make the most of this power period for visioning by creating a ‘dream life collage’. Allow the material to cross your path, working with synchronicity to collect magazines, paper or images in the lead-up to the new moon. Then take some time out on Wednesday the 16th or before the end of the working week to compose words and images that illustrate your heart's desires. Watch your intuition come to life through the creative process - and your dreams to follow!

Alison Lasek - Astrologer

Alison has found astrology to be a powerful tool in illuminating her potential and opportunities for growth. With a proactive approach, she now harnesses the energies of the planets and loves sharing this ancient wisdom with curious humans. Do you seek further guidance in exploring the mysteries of the cosmos? 

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