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Teelixir Organic Turkey Tail Powder 50g

$39.95 AUD
Improve your immune system with the use of organic Turkey Tail mushrooms. With a long history of use in wellness traditions, Turkey Tail mushrooms have earned a revered place for their distinct banded fans and similarities to a turkey's tail. Interestingly, this identical species can be found all over the world, dating back to the 15th century in its use for supporting well-being.Embrace the legacy of Turkey Tail mushrooms, a symbol of nature's intricate design and potential support for well-being. Our mushrooms are thoughtfully sourced, adhering to stringent quality standards, to bring you a product that harmonizes ancient wisdom with contemporary wellness needs.Turkey Tail mushrooms are renowned for their ability to promote overall wellness. A well-functioning digestive system is essential for maintaining well-being. Turkey Tail mushrooms have been proven to enhance gut health.These mushrooms are renowned for their potential as antioxidants, potentially promoting cellular wellness.Our Organic Turkey Tail Powder is sustainably sourced, guaranteeing high quality and effectiveness. Its robust and earthy taste makes it a versatile addition to your health regimen. Whether in beverages or dishes, this powder allows for convenient exploration of its numerous potential advantages.


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